MEDGuide Emergency



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MedGuide Emergency is the only suitable application for quick reference in emergencies. Ideal for Internal Medicine and day and night shifts, MEDGuide Emergency offers quick guide to algorithms and drugs used in emergency. The application is constantly updated for new contents. Key topics:
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM:Acute asthma exacerbationAcute pulmonary embolismCOPD exacerbationDyspnea
CARDIO-CIRCULATORY SYSTEM:Adult Cardiac ArrestHypertensive crisisNon-ST segment elevation MIST-elevation MI (STEMI)Unstable angina
NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEM:Acute StrokeBlood pressure control in acute StrokeIntracranial hypertensionStatus epilepticus
GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM:Acute pancreatitisAppendicitisLower gastrointestinal bleedingSpontaneous bacterial peritonitisUGB - Peptic ulcerUGB - Esophageal varices
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM:Diabetic KetoacidosisHypernatremiaHyperkalemiaHyponatremiaHypokalemiaHypoglycemia
OPHTHALMOLOGY:Acute glaucomaLow visual acuity
OBSTETRICS:EclampsiaToxoplasmosis during pregnancy
OTHER:Hyperthermia or feverThermal burns